The Stress-Less BioScheduling Method Workshop

Learn the full blueprint for how to overcome scheduling stresses & distractions, so you can optimize the structure you crave and level up, holistically.  Are you ready to welcome  2 more focused hours added back to your day? 

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You will learn:

  • The 3 Simple & Powerful Steps 

    to overcoming scheduling stress, releasing overwhelm & embracing a state of flow. 

  • The Cost / Benefit Analysis

    of various scheduling methods ranging from to-do lists to planners and digital calendars.

  • The Step-by-Step Breakdown

    On how to create an optimized, highly-effective digital calendar system - from any starting point.

  • Scheduling Pro-Tips & Processes

    The exact process for implementing an upgraded scheduling system successfully - from the first try!

  • Biohacking Basics

    How and why to start tracking your biometrics so you can start  leveraging your body's natural rhythms for increased energy, focus and productivity. I'll even tell you which metrics to start tracking & how to pivot with the data.